Gifted and Talented Program
Glasgow Middle School's Gifted and Talented Program was established in 1997. It provides an exciting, academically advanced curriculum for students who are intellectually and/or artistically talented. The program provides opportunities for students who are committed to exploring their passions and interests in an environment that promotes creativity and encourages intellectual curiosity.
Gifted Programs from Adonica Duggan on Vimeo.
Academically Accelerated Programs
Gifted Program |
The Gifted Program provides a unique educational opportunity for students identified as academically gifted. Classes provide a high degree of complexity and extend beyond the prescribed curriculum offered in the regular program. Courses are taught by teachers certified in gifted education and have reduced class size so that teachers can differentiate instruction and meet each student’s individual educational needs.
Scholastic Academy Program |
The Scholastic Academy Program is open to all qualifying sixth grade students. Qualifying seventh and eighth grade students entering from out of parish, out of state, out of the country, or from a private or parochial school may also participate. In order to be eligible for the Scholastic Academy Program, students must score at or above the 90th percentile on a district approved intelligence screening test. Students in the Scholastic Academy Program may be enrolled in either Gifted or Great Scholars core classes. Students may only remain in the Scholastic Academy Program for a total of two years, and they must maintain at least a 2.5 overall G.P.A. During the second year of enrollment in the Scholastic Academy Program, students are evaluated for the Gifted Program. If they do not meet gifted criteria, they do not remain in the program. If students do meet gifted criteria, they may be transferred to the Gifted Program.
Great Scholars Academy |
The Great Scholars Academy parallels the Gifted Program, but Great Scholars students are in separate core classes from identified gifted students. In order to be eligible for the Great Scholars Program, students must either 1) score at or above the 84th percentile on a district approved intelligence screening test or 2) achieve two scores of Mastery or Advanced in any two areas of the most recent administration of the LEAP assessment. Students must maintain an overall 2.5 GPA or higher to continue in the program.
High School Options
Many families have questions about where students in our Gifted and Talented Programs go to high school. Please see the chart below for detailed information.
Due to rounding, some totals do not equal 100%.
Electives and High School Credit Courses
*High school credit course
Talented Arts Program
The Talented Arts Program is an educational program for students identified as talented in visual arts, music, or theater. Classes in these disciplines are designed to provide experiences that enable the talented student to further develop demonstrated skills, increase discipline knowledge, and grow as an artist. Students in this program must qualify for talented services according to state criteria.
Click here for more information about the East Baton Rouge Parish School System Talented Arts Program.
Click here for more information about the East Baton Rouge Parish School System Talented Arts Program.
For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact Amy Rivet at 225-925-2942 or [email protected]..